Bless 'Em All
Bless ‘Em All
Bless 'em all, bless 'em all,
The long and the short and the tall
Bless all the sergeants and W. O. ones
Bless all the corporals and their blinking sons
'Cause we're saying goodbye to them all,
As back to their billets they crawl
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean,
So cheer up my lads, bless 'em all
They say if you work hard you'll get better pay
We've heard all that before
Clean up your buttons and polish your boots
Scrub out the barrack room floor
There's many a rookie has taken it in
Hook line and sinker and all
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up my lads bless 'em all
Bless 'em all, bless 'em all,
The long and the short and the tall
Bless all the sergeants and W. O. ones
Bless all the corporals and their blinking sons
'Cause we're saying goodbye to them all,
As back to their billets they crawl
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean,
So cheer up my lads, bless 'em all
They say if you work hard you'll get better pay
We've heard all that before
Clean up your buttons and polish your boots
Scrub out the barrack room floor
There's many a rookie has taken it in
Hook line and sinker and all
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean
So cheer up my lads bless 'em all