A dark and miserable evening, which didn't look very promising when we arrived - only one person in the covered outdoor space, having a smoke. Hardly the throng of enthusiastic carol singers we were hoping for.
But as soon as we struck up - there they all were, appeared from nowhere as if by magic.
Fortified with mugs of hot mulled wine and pints of ale, they were in good voice and sang with gusto.
And donated generously to band funds. Thank you one and all.
And not just Coffee and Cake, but Carols too - an ensemble of players in the Reading Room (or should that be "Band Room?") plus a guest appearance by the WB Churches Together Chorus, who dropped in as part of their carol singing tour of the town.
Raised for Band Funds
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing achievement - consumers, players, washers up, bakers, raffle prize donators and ticket sellers.
And special mentions for Christine who organised the event, and Pip, brewing up behind the scenes in the kitchen for the whole morning, what a super star! Thank you.